There are two sections of the park – the Mountain Section and the River Section. The Mountain Section includes Pilot Mountain and River Section includes a part of the Yadkin River about 6 miles south of Pilot Mountain. The Corridor Trail runs between the two sections.
Click here for a Pilot Mountain State Park map.
The ecology of Pilot Mountain State Park shares similar ecological features as to the neighboring the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Mountain laurel can be found throughout the park as can wild blueberry, huckleberry and grapes.
The forests are mainly chestnut oak, Table Mountain pine and pitch pine trees.
The area supports the environment for three rare plants: Greenland Sand Wort, Dwarf Alum Root and Bear Oak.
Big Pinnacle is ringed by Catawba rhododendron whose spring blossoms make Pilot Mountain appear as if it is wearing a “pink crown.”
Pilot Mountain is one of two nesting sites in North Carolina for the common Raven. Animals that are indigenous to eastern woodland environments that have been observed include the American toad, Carolina wren, ravens, raccoons and white-tailed deer.
No matter what your mode of travel (foot, canoe, horseback), Pilot Mountain offers miles of trails to explore and discover. Hikers can enjoy close-up view of Big Pinnacle and distant views of the valley below a via the Little Pinnacle Overlook. Equestrians and hikers alike can wander the trails through the six-mile woodland corridor that connects the two sections of the park.
All visitors with horses must be able to provide proof of a negative equine infectious anemia (Coggins) test while visiting North Carolina State Parks. Horse rentals not available.